Welcome to Little Forest Folk Chiswick
Our Full Day children start the day at the Hogarth Centre. We welcome children when they are dropped off in the mornings and they are able to enjoy lots of free play time. Our little ones enjoy a hearty, nutritious breakfast to prepare them for a day of fun and physical activity in the great outdoors, before getting their outdoor gear on in preparation for our adventures to begin.
Each day we set up camp at Chiswick House & Gardens where our Sessional Day friends join us. Our base is made up of cosy pop-up sleeping tents, a nappy changing tent, a toilet tent and a hand washing station. Activities can range from treasure hunts, climbing trees, building dens and creative play to reading stories, mark making and mathematics (counting leaves, acorns, feathers, dividing, sharing, combining) in the forest. On Fridays we have Wild Cooking Fridays, exploring all things food related and honing our little chef skills.
We enjoy our morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack out in the forest, then towards late afternoon we say goodbye to our sessional friends and start to make our way back to our base at Hogarth Centre where our full day children enjoy a delicious dinner. Here we will take the time to reflect upon our day and discuss with the children what they enjoyed the most, using these discussions to help us plan our activities for the next day.
Sessions at Little Forest Folk Chiswick
There are two options for attending Little Forest Folk Chiswick, a Full Day (year around) or a Sessional Day (term time only). Full Days run 8:00am to 6pm (Fridays until 3:30pm), include breakfast, lunch and dinner, whereas Sessional Days are shorter days running 9:30am to 3:30pm, which includes lunch. Both include a morning and afternoon snack. We ask for a minimum commitment of at least two days per week per child and children can only join us in the forest once they have turned 2.
Our waiting lists for 2025 & 2026 are open for families to sign up for a place
Hogarth Centre, Duke Road, London, W4 2JR
We are based at the Hogarth Centre, where our Full Day children are dropped off each morning.
There is some parking available outside the centre but this is suitable for pickup and drop off only and can not be used for all day parking.
We head to Chiswick House & Gardens everyday where we meet our Sessional Day children to set up camp. Children get to play in the magical forest site where they can climb trees, build dens and take part in a variety of different activities.
Indoor space/full day Drop off address
Hogarth Centre, Duke Road, London, W4 2JR
green space/sessional drop off address
Chiswick House & Gardens
Meet The Team
Our super creative Chiswick team is managed by the wonderful Jay. To learn more about Jay and the rest of the Chiswick team click here:
“What really excites me is how my kid’s brains will develop differently as a result of this experience. It will really shape who they will become.”
Chiswick fees
Depending on your circumstance there are different ways to fund your child's place at Little Forest Folk.
For detailed information on pricing please follow the link below.
Holiday camps
9:30am – 3:30pm
We run holiday camps during school holidays at our Chiswick nursery. If you'd like to learn more about our holiday camps and to book a place for your child, please follow the link below.
how do waiting lists work?
If you would like detailed information about how our waiting lists work, please follow the link below.
Have more questions? Visit our FAQ page to find out more about Little Forest Folk and our nurseries.