New menu - trial begins :-)

Creating new menus for the nursery is always fun, especially with the change of the seasons providing us with fantastic new ingredients at their best. I confess though that there is no better time of year for me for changing menus that the onset of Autumn. Autumnal ingredients are some of my favourites. It’s when root vegetables are at their most delicious, particularly pumpkins, we also have tasty wild mushrooms, ripe figs and of course all the fabulous game meat that starts appearing in the markets.

After the relative lightness of summer menus, I enjoy the indulgent feeling of moving towards more soothing and comforting food as we start to edge towards the colder weather. We are currently trialling a variety of new dishes for the menu, including new snacks, lunches and our main courses. They will be unashamedly full of pumpkin, root vegetable and other incredible Autumnal ingredients. Watch this space for warming soups, comforting pies and other healthy, nutritious treats.

Today we have trialled two cheese crackers with chia seeds and roasted butternut squash soup with crispy sage leaves. Tomorrow we are trialling a vegan shepherds’s pie, full of comfort and health. By the end of next week we shall be ready to announce our Autumnal menu. Yum!