Wandsworth - We're finally open!

Our Week in the Forest

Little Forest Folk Wandsworth is finally open!  We have had a spectacular couple of weeks settling in to our two very different sites at the Windmill and Paradise.  Despite not knowing one another before coming to LFF, the children have settled in remarkably well with their new peers.  They are already starting to work together to explore their new environments whilst also creating imaginative games with one another.  It is so lovely to see the independence and free spiritedness that Little Forest Folk affords these children. 

Over in the aptly named Paradise, the flower beds are overflowing with strawberry plants, sweet peas and basil.  The children have had a wonderful time inspecting the changes through the week and giving the plants a good watering.  As the weather became hotter and hotter the big tubs of water suddenly became paddling pools with the children whipping off their wellies and perching on the sides so that they could give their legs a good splashing.   Some found long bent sticks perfectly shaped as fishing rods, just right for catching little toes.

The water supply has also led to copious amounts of mud, even in this scorching weather.  Perfect for a mud kitchen!  Working as a team the children have created delicious, never seen before, soups and cakes made with fresh bark and a seasoning of dried grass.  ‘Mix, mix, mix!’ they have shouted to one another as friends run back and forth collecting more water for the amazing concoctions.  It is brilliant to see such lovely team work and collaboration! 

The trees at Wimbledon Windmill only allow a little dappled sunlight through to the forest floor, so it has been lovely and cool during the heat wave.  The children were delighted by the sound of clip clopping hooves through the forest, when who should have emerged but a ranger on his giant horse.  The enormous horse’s name was Percy and very kindly allowed the children to give him a good old pat.  The wildlife hasn’t stopped at horses; worms, beetles, butterflies, enormous caterpillars and even froglets have been discovered during our time in the magical forest.

The fallen trees at the site have provided terrific scope for the active imaginations of our little forest folk.  At one moment one of the trees was ‘a racing car, Brumm brummm!’  It was a dirty car in need of a good wash of its paintwork, ‘Dirty!  Dirty!  Wash, Wash, Wash!’ as it was franticly scrubbed at with a leaf sponge.  Expensive machines like these need looking after and it was certainly in the right hands here.  In the blink of an eye the tree became a pirate ship and cries of ‘Walk the plank!’ could be heard, along with the necessary creation of Captain hats which needed decorating before the plank could be fearlessly walked once more.


The children have been adventurous in trying the new foods that we have on offer for snacks and lunch, and have enjoyed exciting dishes such as mint and pea quesadillas, tomato and courgette pasta and red pepper hummus, complete with vegetable sticks and pita.  Already we are hearing ‘More, please!’  

Whether it is the absolutely delicious food, or the fact that they need refuelling after all the busy activity they have been absorbed in, it is brilliant to see!
Already the amazing personalities of all these children are starting to shine and it is very exciting and rewarding to begin each day in eager anticipation of what they will get up to with every new session.  We can’t wait to see how these marvellous children will grow and develop during their time with us.

Looking forward to more fun in the forest next week, and have a lovely weekend!

Reminders and News

We're delighted to announce
Our Fulham nursery this week received an Ofsted rating of Outstanding. We are thrilled with the result and wanted to share with all our parents. The report is available on our website.

In the warmer weather
A reminder to please  apply sun screen before joining us in the forest, to make sure the children have water bottles full of water and for children to come in with sun hats to protect them in the sunshine. We'd also suggest sturdy shoes rather than wellies on warmer days.

View our recommended Summer Kit List.

Inset Day: 8th September
Our next Inset day is planned for the 8th September. The nursery will be closed for staff training that day. All other term dates can be found here

Have a glorious sunny weekend!

Little Forest Folk
