- Wimbledon Manager
- Wimbledon Deputy Manager
We are pleased to announce that after a few weeks of interviews, the perfect new manager for Little Forest Folk Wimbledon was under our noses all along. We are so happy to introduce Stephanie as our new Wimbledon manager!
We are confident she will lead and inspire the team to continue providing an amazing experience for your little ones. We thank you for your support and patience in this period between managers and we look forward to the new chapter of Little Forest Folk starting today!
As a little bonus to Stephanie becoming our new manager, a place was freed up in Wimbledon for a strong deputy. Philip, who was with us for training before moving to Fulham has become such a vital member of the team in a short space of time and we were getting a bit sad at the thought of him moving on. We are delighted to say that as Phil has forged such wonderful bonds with the children he has made the decision to remain in Wimbledon and become the Wimbledon Deputy Manager.
What an A-team! We are sure you will join us in congratulating them both on their new positions and wish them great success.
- Little Forest Folk