Barnes - Stormy Weather

Our Week in the Forest... 

Happy New Year and welcome back to LFF Barnes!
What an eventful start back to life in the forest this week! The new year may have brought gale force winds, but this hasn't stopped the children being excited to see their friends after the Christmas break. It was so sweet to watch the children welcoming each other, jumping up and down with big grins, as soon as they saw each of their friends appearing at the doors. The children have been very excited to share their experiences from the holidays, telling us about the countries they have visited, the family they have seen and the presents that they received!

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With the gale force winds interfering with some of our time in the forest, the children have been fantastically flexible as we've had to make changes to our routine. On the first day back, we had to set up camp indoors, however, we managed to get out on the football pitches and play lots of games. Later on in the afternoon we had an adventure walk through the fields. Luckily the winds died down for the majority of the remaining week, therefore we were able to get the children back into the forest exploring and playing! With the stormy weather, the ground had been well and truly drenched, therefore the children had a plentiful supply of big muddy puddles to enjoy! 
It has been a great start to the year and it has been a pleasure welcoming back so many happy faces! We look forward to the year ahead and all the exciting adventures to be had, no matter what the weather throws our way!

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Little Forest Folk