Barnes - Wintry Weather

Our Week in the Forest... 

This week we have had some wonderfully wintry weather. From sleet and snow driving down all day on Monday to crisp frosty mornings with ice puddles. 
The children have been incredibly resilient and have battled through these conditions putting to the test our notion of ‘there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing’. Sure enough the children, well equipped in thermals, gloves, neck warmers and the customary winter waterproofs carried on with great excitement. 
We explored the forest on Monday searching for trees in the forest that look like Christmas trees. We found lots of different firs and used touch, sight and smell to decide if they would make a good tree. We also found the remnants of a snowman and the children explored squishing the snow and watching it melt.

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We also had some fabulous fun on mini ice rinks that had formed from frozen puddles on the fields. The children explored the slippery surfaces and crunched the ice delighting in the sounds underfoot. Once the ice was broken the children picked up pieces and investigated looking through the transparent surface and watching small pieces melt in their hands.
Whilst we have been exploring the wonderful natural offerings that winter brings us we have also been getting creative in the forest with play dough and twine. The children created their own models using smooth sticks for rolling pins to roll out dough before making spider webs, tigers and lions. They then used leaves and sticks to create brushes with twine. With a little help from an adult they twisted the twine round and round to fix everything in pace.
A fabulous week and we are looking forward to next week as we build up to Christmas!

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Have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk