Barnes - woodland animal footprints

Our Week in the Forest... 

Things have been getting spooky this week at Barnes! On the morning of Halloween, all of the trees were covered in huge spider webs and we discovered that a giant spider had visited our forest. We had lots of fun making slime out of bicarbonate of soda and PVA glue and telling spooky stories around our campfire.
This week we have been scooping out the inside of pumpkins with a spoon and decorating them using pens, paint and autumn leaves. We used palm drills to make small holes in our pumpkins and the children were excited to learn how these would let the light shine when they become pumpkin lanterns. As well as larger pumpkins, we also scooped out and decorated some tiny pumpkins called munchkin pumpkins. We discussed which pumpkins were larger or smaller and estimated how many munchkin pumpkins could fit inside our larger pumpkin; which we discovered was seven! 

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We had lots of fun this week with some woodland animal footprint blocks that our educator Katie bought into the forest. We worked together to guess which footprint matched which animal. This led to some brilliant discussions about each animal, whether they were nocturnal and whether they were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. Some of us pressed clay into the blocks and peeled them away to make our own woodland animal footprints. 
The children have shown resilience and patience this week when challenging themselves to some tricky tree climbing. Some of them had to try several times to reach a spot on the climbing tree and had to change their route or technique on the way up. Our Little Forest Folk-ers have worked really well together, giving each other tips and directions when climbing and saying, "well done!" to their friend when they reach the top. Great teamwork Barnes! 

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Little Forest Folk