Chiswick - Delicious Treats!

Our Week in the Forest...

The children at Chiswick put on their aprons and chef hats this week for some culinary creativity both in and out of the forest.  The ever popular mud kitchen turned into a mud restaurant, specialising in desserts such as, ice creams, puddings and birthday cake for all of our January-born babies.  At our cookery class on Thursday, the children whipped (and ate!) up a storm, making delicious pâté to take home and share... Or at least what was left of it!
We have seen a lot of sharing, transferring and transporting this week. The children have been demonstrating excellent turn-taking and negotiating skills when engaged in group play. Some of the older children have taken the younger ones under their wing and are ensuring that every child gets a turn on the swing, that the pots and pans are shared equally, and even the youngest little forest folk had a turn at being the leader of imaginative games.

One of the more popular games this week was knights, princesses and dragons. We are lucky that Chiswick House and Gardens is actually home to a lot of 'dragon eggs’, and many expeditions were had to try and track down one of these magical things! 

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There have been many discussions about weight, speed and distance as the children have showed a keen interest in maths concepts in the forest. We had some pvc piping to create slides and racetracks, and watched closely as we slid balls, pine cones, leaves and poured water down the slope. 
At Kew, the children braved the height of the treetop walk and we spent some time trying to figure out which direction our favourite parts of Kew were from. Who knows where our adventures will take us next week!?

Have a lovely weekend. 

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Little Forest Folk