Chiswick - Forest Cafe & Railway Adventures!

We've had a wonderful week in the Chiswick forest!

We had an exciting shop and cafe set up in camp this week, where all our Little Forest Folk-ers had the opportunity to practise role playing - with some taking on the job of shop workers, whilst others were customers stopping by to spend their imaginary money on leafy salads & very wooden hotdogs! There were many plates overflowing with natural resources to represent yummy food. Menus with prices helped us practise our number recognition and our fine motor skills were put to the test as we served up a delicious feast with a side of sensory exploration! All the children were brilliant with their turn taking and imaginative play, with children of all ages interacting with the activity, as well as the educators helping work on new vocabulary.

One afternoon we played a great game of “find the numbers” in our tuff tray. The numbers were written in different colours on the tray and we needed to match these up to the right number of pebbles - our little mathematicians all had a turn practising their number recognition as well as counting out the correct number of pebbles - well done to everyone! 

There was also lots of mud fun in the mud kitchen this week as little ones squelched and squeezed the mud and added sticks and leaves to serve up a delicious meal to their friends!

We also shared some fun clay activities - using different tools, along with our hands to make different shapes & textures!

Another fantastic activity which was loved by all, was turning our bouncy log into an exciting train adventure that took our little explorers all the way up to Scotland! Everybody was able to come aboard our train, as long as you purchased a leaf ticket from our ticketmaster at the station! We all pointed out the sights we could see out of the window on the journey & had a great time calling out 'choo choo!' as our train chugged along its journey home again.

We also had a great time exploring and running around in the meadow, which is always popular as little ones run up and down and round and round in a different setting!

We hope you had a wonderful week in the forest, friends - we can't wait for more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk