Splish splash!
Our week in the forest
It has been a wet week but much to the children's delight, where other nurseries may have been focused on indoor play due to the weather, our Little Forest Folk children have been having a blast in the rain. The children were looking for muddy puddles to splash around in and they found a large puddle in the meadow where they spent a long time playing, jumping and running through it.
The water and mud play continued as the children enjoyed transporting buckets of rainwater around the site using pulleys, wheelbarrows and brute strength. They then used the water to form new little mud kitchens everywhere.
This week we've also been talking about bonfires and fireworks. We have made our own bonfire and firework pictures and crafts, using leaves and other natural materials and we've also been listening to firework poems. There was also plenty of whooshing and popping around the meadow as the children pretended to be fireworks exploding in the sky.
The children have also been enhancing their physical development with lots of balancing on trees, homemade see-saws and on slack lines. The children have been honing their skills, balancing carefully, and adjusting their weight just at the right moment to keep them upright.
No such thing as bad weather!
We have created obstacle courses, which the children have led their own play on, taking turns to be the leader and showing their friends the way around the obstacle course with lots of jumping, climbing and wriggling under. Great not only for their fitness but for their coordination, their resilience and their ability to work out their own risk taking abilities to.
The children really enjoyed lots of story time in the forest this week, with the children spending time on literacy, both independently by reading books themselves and by sitting with practitioners reading stories. We love the fact that they are starting to become familiar with our stories and when they shout out the missing words as we read aloud to them.
Another firm favourite activity this week was adventures. The children were so keen to explore they were asking the teachers to go every day. The children were looking for new trees to climb and even pretended to go on a bear hunt. We discovered a great spot with plenty of climbing trees, hills and lots of sticks to play with.
Christmas Party
Monday 19th December
Invites for our Festive Forest Party will be coming out early next week.
We're so excited! Do remember to RSVP.
Keeping warm
Please make sure your little one's are wearing plenty of layers. They also need to wear their hats and gloves and bring lots of extra clothing packed in their backpacks. Our recommended Winter kit list in full is below.
Spare LFF clothing
Our spare clothing box comes in especially handy in the chilly months. If any spare LFF clothes have travelled home with you, please can you return the items to us as soon as possible. We would also welcome any donations, so please do have a rummage through your cupboards for any old clothes to donate - particularly leggings, socks, gloves & hats.
Daily reports
We're aware that not all parents are receiving their daily reports. If you are not receiving the report then please do email our Admin Guru Carly: carly@littleforestfolk.com
What to wear
The weather for next week is going to be chilly but hopefully bright with no rain.
Check out our recommended winter kit list.
Team Update
Nafisa is away on annual leave until Thursday 17th November, please contact Arturo in her absence on 07901 002433 or contact the office directly on 07707 545913.
We wish you all a lovely weekend!
Little Forest Folk