Putney Heath - Changes


We ended last week with some exciting weather! There was rain, sun, wind and even some hail, which the children enjoyed observing whilst eating their snack under the tarp. The children also enjoyed spotting some icy leaves and frozen puddles in and around the forest, whilst we spoke about the weather and season change. We also ended the week focusing on our Action plan for our Eco-school accreditation. After discussion with our eco-committee and looking at our environmental review, we have decided to focus on Global Citizenship, our Forest grounds and waste. We cannot wait to put our ideas into action in the following months to help us become more environmentally friendly.

We began the new week with a very welcome change around our camp. Educators worked hard to switch up our camp, moving our log circle and creating new learning areas for the children to explore. The children were amazed and could not wait to explore and play with our new set up. With Christmas fast approaching, we thought it would only be fitting to start singing some Christmas songs. However, we didn’t sing just any old Christmas songs, we sang an original version of ‘Jingle Bells’ called ‘Jingle Bus’. The Children loved this and joined in with the singing and actions once they had heard it a few times.

Further into the week the children enjoyed embarking on a bug hunt, using magnifying glasses and identification sheets to help them. The children managed to find worms, snails and even a millipede and enjoyed showing their friends what they had found. Other children enjoyed using our small wheelbarrows to collect and transport leaves around the forest and they even used the leaves to bury themselves and hide from the educators! Luckily, we managed to find all the children again!

We ended the week playing a new game to help us to learn about the different Zones of Regulation; the blue, green, yellow, and red zone, which help us to tell each other how we’re feeling. The children had a go at throwing the different coloured bean bags into the same-coloured hoop and then we discussed which feelings matched up with this colour. The children really enjoyed this activity.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath