Putney Heath - Terrific Transport

Terrific Transport

This week has been a terrific week for role play here at Putney Heath and the children have been working hard on our modes of transport we have created around the forest.

We began the week bravely fighting fires with our big log fire engine complete with ladders, binoculars, and hoses. The children acted out various scenarios, trying to protect the forest. Disaster struck when a fire broke out in our mud kitchen! The children worked together to hold the hoses and put out the fire, and luckily, we managed to save the mud kitchen, phew! More trouble awaited us when the brave fire crew received a call about some of our toy friends who were stuck up a tree. The fire brigade worked together to rescue them from the trees and bring them back to safety! Well done Putney Fire crew.

Further into the week the children enjoyed driving the forest train that was set up for them, stopping at various stops along the train line. A very popular stop was the café stop, where the children and educators enjoyed buying some ice-creams, hot chocolates, and other sweet treats. Some of the children were late for work and only just managed to catch the train before it departed. Luckily, we had a lovely train driver who waited for everyone to board!

The wheels on the bus certainly went round and round later this week in the forest, as the children enjoyed playing with our fantastic bus that the educators had set up for them. The children took turns to be the bus driver and our other friends waited to be picked up at the bus stop. Before hopping on the bus, the children stopped off at the ticket office and had fun drawing their own tickets to later hand over to the ticket conductor on the bus. The children enjoyed singing the wheels on the bus complete with all the actions, whilst they travelled peacefully on the bus to their destination!

Wow, what a fantastic week we have had in the forest. We hope you all have a restful weekend, and we cannot wait for more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath