Wandsworth - Necklaces & Bracelets or Snakes & Trains

The week began with children discovering a brand-new tyre mountain created by Sam and Luca. At a height of 3 tyres and in a pyramid formation that spans a few meters across, there is plenty of room for all to enjoy practising their climbing skills, developing core strength and balance. Topped by a flagpole and surrounded by a dug-out moat, the castle feel has also sparked new imaginative adventures. We plan to be making flags soon and the children will no doubt be adding to the creation over time, as they please. 

In the forest, Dan has been developing netted tunnel obstacles which are suspended a foot from the floor. This week’s creation was around 5 meters in length. Whilst making it through was a challenge, it has been incredible fun, and at times several children at a time have simply enjoyed using it like a hammock or sitting and relaxing, swinging away gently side to side.

This week, we have also begun creating with elder beads. In this activity, children have to push and scrape a core of pith out of elder segments, and many identified that a tent peg is good to start the job because it is “smooth and pointy” and that a “twig is good for scraping because it is rough”. These beads were then carefully threaded onto twine with children practising simple knots to secure ends. Children have reimagined these creations as necklaces, bracelets, snakes and trains too. This activity will continue and we expect you’ll all see one come home soon. 

Elder is actually considered a weed so with consideration to the environment this is an easy activity to do at home too. Have a great weekend and we will see you all soon. 

Little Forest Folk