Bark clippings!
Our week in the forest
We have had the most unexpected fun this week playing with bark chippings! We had a huge delivery of bark chippings in on Monday so that we could cover areas that become very muddy as we prepare for winter. The children however had different ideas! Turns out bark chippings make the most fabulous resource!
On Monday we had lots of children role modelling the adults as they used wheelbarrows to transport the bark around, and we discussed with them the purpose for this. Since then we have observed children using the chippings to cook up some delicious mud kitchen treats; add bits onto their artwork and one little boy even decided that the chippings were so precious he just had to fill his pockets with them! We see that we’ll have our work cut out for us as we attempt to return the bark chippings back to their original destination but it has been so worth it to watch the children to learn so much and take such joy in the simplest resource!
Some children have also got creative with their use of a very big hollow branch. After it was used repeatedly as a post box last week some children have taken it one step further and decided to post themselves through it! We watched on as a group of boys carried over a ladder, after realising they couldn’t quite reach the ‘entrance’ and once they had secured it up they climbed and in they went! “It’s a slide now!” exclaimed one. “Yeah, we have a tree slide!” replied his friend. This game went on for most of the afternoon.
Hello Autumn, nice to see you :-)
We have begun to notice some changes in the environment as October approaches and we settle into the autumn months. We have been looking at some crispy, crunchy leaves in base camp and some of us have been lucky enough to find some fallen acorns (treasure!) which form the basis for many exciting games, or simply get stashed away in pockets and backpacks because they’re too precious!
On Friday evening we will be coming back to the Scout Hall a little early as we begin to try get used to having shorter days in the forest. But fear not! The fun continues as Friday evening will now become our Friday night disco! We'll have to let you know how we get on :)
Les - Our driver
Les has settled into his new role as our driver and is making some little friends already! On a few occasions Les has had to come into the forest to help with the set-up which sees children jostling to be the lucky one to hold his hand! We're still not sure if all the children understand that he is Jenny's dad but we think he has their approval nonetheless!
A bit of a change from waterproofs and wellies! :-)
On Saturday evening parts of both the Wimbledon and Chiswick team attended the Nursery World Awards. We were nominated in three categories (Social media and website, enabling environments and nursery of the year). We were lucky to come away with the award for social media and had a wonderful evening, all dressed up and having some fun as a team. Some of you have requested seeing some photos of the evening so here you are!
Dressing for the weather
We're due to have more moderate temperatures next week, but we would still recommend putting sunscreen on your child before they arrive.
As a guideline next week the children should be wearing:
- One pair of comfortable trousers (jogging bottoms or leggings)
- One t-shirt
- One fleecy zip up jacket (in a backpack just in case)
- One pair of socks
- Wellies or trainers (as long as you don't ind them getting dirty!)
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Little Forest Folk