Wimbledon - Frozen fun

Fun in the forest

Fun in the forest

Our week in the forest

This week has seen the arrival of Jack Frost (or Princess Elsa!). The forest looked absolutely stunning covered in a sparkling layer of frost. We had some fun exploring ice that formed at the edges of the puddles and one boy relished in showing his friends how to stamp on large shards of ice and “break it into HUNDREDS of pieces!”
The children have adored playing in the mud kitchen, now almost full to the brim with muddy water. We have observed lots of wonderful role play here with a hot chocolate café and lots of soups being cooked all week. Two girls even decided that it is never to cold to sell mud kitchen ice creams. The swamp area is finally ‘swampy’ again and soon we will look into setting challenges for the children as we encourage them to work out ways of crossing the water.



To help the children adjust to the colder weather, so in addition to all the fun we had exploring the winter weather prospects, we have also ensured that there were lots of opportunities for cosy stories, fire building and lots of lovely conversations over steaming cups of hot chocolate.
We went on a really fun adventure walk this week too.  The children decided that we were on a “Pirate Adventure” and we spent lots of time looking for treasure. We loved watching on as the children carefully decided exactly which sticks, stones and leaves were worthy of being labelled as treasure!

We then noticed something very exciting…. a red and white toadstool! Even though they are poisonous we wanted to allow the children to enjoy this experience by looking at the toadstool and sharing discussions around it. Phil explained that it was poisonous and reminded children of our ‘no picking and licking’ rule, which they adhered to really well.


Christmas Party 
Monday 19th December
Invites for our Festive Forest Party will be coming out early next week.
We're so excited! Do remember to RSVP.

Yoga Class
We had our first yoga class (or yoghurt class, as one of our boy's keeps calling it) on Wednesday evening and it was really successful. This allowed the practitioners to attend their first mindfulness session, which we really enjoyed and look forward to sharing with the children.


Keeping warm
Please make sure your little one's are wearing plenty of layers. They also need to wear their hats and gloves and bring lots of extra clothing packed in their backpacks. Our recommended Winter kit list in full is below.

Spare Little Forest Folk clothing
Our spare clothing box comes in especially handy in the chilly months. If any spare LFF clothes have travelled home with you, please can you return the items to us as soon as possible. We would also welcome any donations, so please do have a rummage through your cupboards for any old clothes to donate - particularly leggings, socks, gloves & hats.

Daily reports
We're aware that not all parents are receiving their daily reports. If you are not receiving the report then please do email our Admin Guru Carly: carly@littleforestfolk.com

What to wear

The weather for next week is going to be chilly but hopefully bright with no rain. 
Check out our recommended winter kit list HERE 

We have found that mittens are easier to get on/off than gloves and allows the children greater autonomy.

Team Update

Liam - Forest Nursery Educator

Liam - Forest Nursery Educator

As we shared in our last newsletter, this week we welcomed Liam.


We hope you have a lovely weekend,


Little Forest Folk