Our week in the forest
Fairies, wizards, witches and elves!!
What a week it’s been! Our highlight, of course was the family barbeque last night so a massive thank you to all that were able to attend! We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we all did.
Meanwhile, in the forest we have been exploring the theme of fairies, wizards, witches and elves and have delighted in the children’s interpretations of the theme. Some children chose to use tools to create their own magic wands (mostly to turn practitioners into slugs!) and decorated them with natural forest finds.
We have made potions using blackberries at various stages of ripening and some children have also enjoyed using the berries to make paint or to enrich their imaginative role-play games. Not to mention one child who was extremely proud of the fact that he’d painted his entire face with blackberry juice- forest face paint!
Serious tool use in the forest :-)
We have been using the tools quite a lot this week, as the children have been so interested in these. We have used secateurs to cut willow branches, and to show the children how we have to prune the paths to clear the sharp bits and nettles- we then had lots of helpers for this important job!
We have also been using the bow saw to create our very own set of forest stacking blocks, we are so excited by this! One conversation even evolved from Phil answering a child’s question about a particular tool into a full-blown tool talk/workshop with about ten children all hanging off Phil’s every word!
Little Forest Folk family BBQ
There have been so many face painting requests and it’s been lovely to see how this transports the children into a wonderful world of make believe. We have had sheep, cows, panthers, pandas and butterflies! Although one child told us in a very deadpan voice “I’m not a butterfly. I’m me, I just have a butterfly painted on my face.” Silly us!
We hope you enjoy some of these photos from the barbeque last night! What a great opportunity for us all to get to know each other a little better and share anecdotes about your gorgeous children. We were talking about the barbeque afterwards and just loved the fact that even though we had lots of entertainment available the highlight for most children seemed to be the mountain of dirt, and a pile of logs! That’s why you send them to Little Forest Folk :-)
Just to let you all know, Leanna is taking a much deserved holiday from Wednesday next week so together Lil and Stephanie are holding fort at Wimbledon until she gets back. In addition Lisa, our back office superstar will also be on holiday so all enquiries will be going through Carly.
Dressing for the weather
According to the forecast next week is due to be a hot one! Please remember to apply your child's first layer of sunscreen before they arrive and pack a named sunhat into their bag. Thank you!
As a guideline next week the children should be wearing:
- One pair of comfortable trousers (jogging bottoms or leggings)
- One t-shirt
- One fleecy zip up jacket (in a backpack just in case)
- One pair of socks
- Wellies or trainers (as long as you don't ind them getting dirty!)
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Little Forest Folk