Fulham - Fulham Palace Gardens Fire Fighters!

This week has been fabulous in the forest; the weather in Fulham has been amazing, the sun has been shining and we have all had the best time. 

We have loved to see our Little Forest Folk-ers really enjoy role playing experiences this week. Our favourite role play which particularly stood out was when we all saved Fulham Palace Gardens by becoming hard working fire fighters and taking all the important calls and getting straight into action in our fire truck to put out all the fires with the hoses. 

Then we opened our own hair salon and became the best at making each other look great with new hair and nails. 

Being outside in nature is such a big and wonderful experience and our little ones are always searching in camp for bugs and insects to see who they are sharing the space with. So, we decided to bring out the animal costumes this week and give our little adventurers the chance to dress up as all the animals that they regularly interact with on their bug hunts. Everyone had a wonderful time and really enjoyed imagining what life is like for the insects around us, and creating stories and characters from what they have seen around them.

Being able to take part in simple counting and matching a simple quantity to a number is such a clever thing, and out little explorers are developing these skills in leaps and bounds at the moment. Having the keys and locks out in camp really helped to achieve this and encourage the children to problem solve and work together to figure out the solutions. 

Last but not least, we ended our week by doing some planting. This was so much fun, and our little explorers were able to get some real-life experience of using seeds, pots, mini spades and soil to pot up some new seedlings – we can’t wait to hopefully watch them grow in the coming weeks! 

We always have the best time in our Fulham forest and not just our Little Forest Folk-ers, but the educators really enjoy our time full of fun packed learning adventures too. Join us next week to see what Little Forest Folk Fulham get up to!

Little Forest Folk