Fulham - Magnificent Kindness Tree

This week in the forest has been a slightly cold and wet one, however our children haven’t let that dampen their moods and have really enjoyed making the most out of the wet weather on camp by using the rain water to make fun things in the mud kitchen and enjoying great big splashes in the muddy puddles that have been forming!

Some great maths activities have been happening in the Fulham camp this week. There has been a selection of wooden puzzles and our children have also really enjoyed exploring the number padlocks and key sets we bought. This activity was perfect as it allowed the children to practise their counting and once they had counted the dots on the padlock they had to search for the correct key with the right number on it which unlocked the padlock - an added test of their fine motor skills!

On camp this week we have been working on turn taking, emotional regulation and verbalising our emotions, speaking about the zones of regulation and the tools we may need to help us get from one zone to the next. So with that in mind it’s been lovely to witness the children really taking this on board this week and helping each other and taking turns when it comes to pulling our water tank 'Barry' along into camp.

To celebrate World Kindness Day this week we created a kindness tree on camp where the children were able to think about kind things they had recently done and we wrote them onto leaves which created a magnificent kindness tree.

The focus of our children never ceases to amaze us and we are always super impressed with the concentration each of our children have, especially when it comes to practising forming letters and numbers. The educators have been encouraging the children by marking out letters and numbers in dots for the children to practise forming.

Our week this week has been super fun and I am excited to see all the adventures and games we get up to here next week in the Fulham forest.

Little Forest Folk