Fulham - Mini Beasts Science Experiment!

This week in the forest has been a super fun week and we have all had a blast! 

Ladybugs have been a big interest for us in the forest this week and our Little Fulham Forest Folk-ers have enjoyed searching around our camp to find ladybugs and other kinds of creepy crawly insects.

We also had a lot of fun with an experiment, where we learnt the science behind how ice melts into water. Our little explorers were able to physically see the transformation when we used our small world mini beasts and froze them in ice, as they then had the task of saving our little creatures! It was very interesting watching how our little adventurers came up with all sorts of fabulous suggestions of how to work together to save the animals. 

Our new yoga book brought calm and peace into camp this week, and our children had the best time focussing on all the different positions and had lots of fun trying them out, which created some really cute moments for the educators to witness! 

Our new croquet set has also been a hit, as it’s been a great way for the children to not only work on their turn-taking and sharing abilities but also developing their aim and physical skills when hitting the ball. 

Our week has been a great one and we are all waiting for the exciting things that will happen in the Fulham forest in the next week!

Little Forest Folk