Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Solstice day, and Seasons Greetings.
What a wonderful year we have had topped off by a visit from Father Christmas and a large bag of presents a few days ago. The children have delighted in decorating the forest, with baubles, tinsel and twinkling lights. Sipping on hot chocolate or hibiscus tea to help keep us warm. Nibbling on ginger biscuits and mince pies as well as singing seasonal songs.
One of our parents made us a polar express train and carriages out of cardboard which was amazing, and the children were thrilled to take rides in the train and pretend to be the train drivers. “All aboard” they called out as passengers rushed to climb into the carriages. ‘Next stop the North Pole” one child called out, but another child said, “we need to go to Waterloo first!”
Our creative educators have made snow from cornflour and shaving foam which our Little Forest Folk-ers have revelled in driving trains through and squishing between their fingers. Blue icebergs made from small frozen cups of water had penguins and polar bears trapped within. Orcas, walruses, whales and a random red crab have been rushing to the North and South Poles trying to rescue their friends. A large snowman was decorated by the children using glue, cotton wool and pom poms and sparkly bits and pieces.
Christmas and winter stories sparked their imaginations as we cuddled up on the reading blanket and enjoyed each other's company. We had a tearful goodbye to 2 fabulous grown up, experienced Little Forest Folk-ers who are moving on. It has been wonderful to have you in the forest.
And by the way….
Q: Who says Ho Ho Ho?
A: Santa
Q: Who says Oh Oh Oh?
A: Santa going backwards.
Thank you all for a wonderful year. Have a super holiday and we’ll see you all next year!
Little Forest Folk