Wimbledon - Happy Birthday To Us!

Our Week in the Forest...

It was great to see everyone back after Christmas holidays and we have really enjoyed talking with the children about the special times they shared with their families during the winter break.

Our first day back didn’t go quite as planned due to the weather conditions, and we found ourselves stuck indoors for the day! Nevertheless, we still made sure that the children had plenty of activities to keep them busy, and we were able to get outside for some of the afternoon to enjoy the fresh air.

We certainly were pleased to get back to proper forest fun on Thursday though! We spent most of our day playing in base camp where the children got stuck in instantly, as if they’d never been away!  Swings, tree climbing and role-play games were high on the list of priorities for most of the children. The winds were due to pick up again for the afternoon so we decided to leave our site and take the children over to the large playing fields so we could avoid any branches falling on us. 

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The windy conditions made for some exciting running games and lots of children really enjoyed challenging themselves and seeing if they could run against the wind; or seeing if the wind was strong enough to blow them over!

Today was a very special day for us in the forest as it marks the 3 year anniversary of the opening of Little Forest Folk! We explained to the children that it was ‘Little Forest Folk’s birthday’ and to celebrate we decorated the forest with balloons, made birthday pictures and had silly foam fun all topped off with a celebratory marshmallow at the end!

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Little Forest Folk