Pancake day, Carnival and World Book Day all in one week means lots of fun in the forest!
Wimbledon - Daffodils, Snowdrops and Blossom!
This week at Wimbledon we have enjoyed signs of spring popping up all around us and the children have spent so much time looking for bugs and insects in the forest. They have been really interested in worms and ant eggs, using their own handmade binoculars to see what else they could find. We used recycled toilet roll tubes and tape to make our binoculars, and they were then used to spot birds, insects and even some aeroplanes!
Wimbledon - Little Signs of Spring!
This week at Wimbledon we have been really enjoying the sunshine, showing us some little signs of Spring! The children have loved spotting and talking about all of the hints that Spring is on its way, and we have headed out on adventure walks to do scavenger hunts, looking out for different signs along the way.
Wimbledon - Love, Strength, Shrinking and Growth Potions!
Wimbledon - Forest Skills & Banana Boats!
Wimbledon - Wind, Wind Go Away, Come Back Another Day!
Wimbledon - Painting, Junk Modelling and Cooking!
Wimbledon - Walks, Music and Role Play!
Wimbledon - Ready to Start the New Year!
Wimbledon - Happy Holidays!
Wimbledon - Mini Christmas Trees!
Wimbledon - A tremendous week at Wimbledon!
Wimbledon - A Whirlwind of Winter Weather!
Wimbledon - A Wimbledon Winter Wonderland!
Wimbledon - Kindness Week!
This week we celebrated World Kindness Day, however, at Wimbledon we decided it should be a whole week’s worth of celebration! One of our BIGGEST forest rules is “kind and gentle”, something that we relate to our friends, our educators and the forest around us. This meant that this week we really focused on all of the things that we can do or say to show how kind all of our Little Forest Folk-ers are.