Wimbledon - Little Signs of Spring!

This week at Wimbledon we have been really enjoying the sunshine, showing us some little signs of Spring! The children have loved spotting and talking about all of the hints that Spring is on its way, and we have headed out on adventure walks to do scavenger hunts, looking out for different signs along the way. We have found snowdrops and daffodils starting to bud, along with blossom coming on the trees and even some bunnies making an appearance! The children have also used compasses on their walks to practice their navigations skills, which has been great for our children to look at and practice.

Our little explorers have been working more on their Eco-school project, and we have spent time this week planting trees in the forest. We have identified the native trees to the space and then taken it in turns to plant more. The children all helped to dig the hole, plant the tree and even put the tree protectors around it. This is a lovely chance for them to give back to the forest and they can watch them grow as they play.

We have also spent time this week looking at bugs and seeing which ones we can find around the forest. Some of the children watched as an educator put a woodlouse on a stethoscope and everyone listened to its tiny pitter patter as it walked across the top. Others spent time looking for the longest worms they could find and exploring where to make new homes for them.

This time of year is wonderful as it offers so many new experiences for the children and you can see the excitement when they find something new!

We wonder what next week will bring?…

Little Forest Folk