Wimbledon - Overcoming Obstacles!

Our Week in the Forest...

This week has seen a renewed interest in building challenging obstacle courses for balancing along. One of the reasons we love to encourage the children to take on these projects is because we see how much value they get in collaborating with each other in order to build their course. Not only are the children problem solving in terms of figuring out how to make various logs, planks and tyres all fit together to create a walkway but they are working on their communication and negotiation skills too! It has been equally heart-warming to observe older children supporting younger, or less confident children to join in with the activities too and lend a helping hand as they wobble across the beams.

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Face painting has been requested a few times this week and we are always happy to oblige! We love to see the added dimension it brings to the children’s role play games! The children always impress us with their patience too as they wait their turn here, usually concocting the most challenging ideas for face painting we’ve ever heard!

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Little Forest Folk