Chiswick - Attenborough

Celebrating the legend - Sir David Attenborough

Celebrating the legend - Sir David Attenborough

The sunshine made for a beautiful week of celebrations, inquiry and exploration.

The children participated in making a mini 'nature documentary' to celebrate David Attenborough's 90th birthday.   They asked for their faces to be painted as certain animals, and engaged with one another in various role play experiences. Tigers and Lions were a popular choice with the children, although we had a couple of elephants, a rabbit, and even a worm!

It has been lovely to see the children form relationships within the peer group, collaborating ideas, learning and playing alongside one another. This is one of the many benefits of family grouping (mixed ages together) and we love to see the outcomes and benefits it has for the group.

Adventures in the forest

Adventures in the forest

We have been going on regular outings to the duck pond and it's surrounds, continuing on our interest of bird wildlife. 

The children created their own adventure course this week, climbing over and under trees, jumping from log to log, balancing and running. 

It's wonderful to see the children engage in their learning environment with such enthusiasm, and they are all becoming increasingly brave within their surroundings.

Next week in the forest

We will be focussing on the 5 senses, (touch, taste, smell, hear, see) with a magic box, a fruit salad and other exciting experiences. 

Our adventure walks in the afternoon have been quite an interesting part of the day for many children, and we will continue to become familiar with other parts of Chiswick House and Gardens. 

A reminder to families

If your child has a comfort item for sleep, please discuss with them that it is best left in their bag for the duration of the day.  We wouldn't want toys getting lost or broken, and we also want children to have full use of both hands to explore our magical forest site!

With the weather warming up, we are now applying sunscreen on the children. If you have a preference of your own sunscreen, please let us know.  It is also recommended you bring a hat for your child.

Please have a read through the recommended Spring Kit List below, as a guide on how to appropriately dress your child at LFF.

Here is a suggested Spring kit list for what your child should wear in the forest.

  • Comfortable bottoms, i.e. leggings or tracksuit bottoms, not jeans
  • Long sleeve shirt
  • Thin jumper
  • Fleece zip-up or jumper (preferably without a hood to fit under waterproofs)  
  • Socks
  • Warm wellies
  • A thin hat for early mornings and a sun hat for sunny days
  • Labelled rucksack
  • Labelled water bottle
  • Labelled spare trousers & socks (more than 1 set of each plus underwear if potty training) 

It's always a good idea to pack plenty of spare items in your little ones backpack so that the team have extra items available when they need it.

Upcoming calendar events

  • Monday 30th May: Bank Holiday – LFF CLOSED
  • Tuesday 31st May - Friday 3rd June: Half Term Holiday Camp
  • Monday 6th – Friday 10th June: Week of Queens
    We will be celebrating the Queens birthday with a week of dressing up, tea parties and learning about our royal family history.