Morden - Bird Feeders, Finding Letters & Fire Circles

This week has been sprinkled with sunshine ☀️ We’ve enjoyed having everyone back after the half term break! 

We have really enjoyed the fire circle at snack time! This time is fantastic for storytelling where we start with a sentence such as, “Billy the goat was hungry so he went to look for..” Each child then takes a turn continuing the story, taking it wherever they’d like! We use dragon breaths to encourage the fire to grow and when it is hot we can start to cook! The adventurers sit safely on their log and only, “Walk around the edge, walk around the edge!” To keep a safe distance from the fire! Today we are trying halloumi! 🔥 

Yesterday we practised fire starting! We talked about “Fast burn,” and “Slow burn,” materials. We use materials which catch fire and burn quickly to start the fire before adding slow burn materials such as sticks and wood which need the fast burn’s heat to grow and begin to “eat” the logs! Using a flint and steel, the learners controlled the steel to press and push quickly against the flint. This is great for developing muscle strength and focus! Many were able to create a spark and catch the cotton ball! 

School ready! We have been working with some children on more focus activities this week, where we practised our writing and letter identification! The learners enjoyed playing hide and seek with the letters hidden around the front garden. Can you identify any letters? Can you find the letter at the beginning of your name? “I found my letter, my letter is A!” “I found a R for Rabbit, but I can’t find my letter.” 

We also created bird feeders using orange peels! The adventurers made a big batch mixture of oats, grapes and sultanas. This was then spooned and measured into the halved empty oranges. Once smoothed, our Little Forest Folk-ers made a hole and tied a string to hang all around the forest 🌳 The birds should be happy! 

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again next week!

Little Forest Folk