Morden - Butterflies, Bees and Small Baby Birds!

What another amazing week we’ve had in the forest!

This week, we’ve noticed we’re getting a lot of visits from butterflies, bees and small baby birds as they flit around the forest looking for tasty things to eat. We looked up some of the moths and butterflies we’ve noticed around the forest: cinnabar moths, common blue, speckled wood and cabbage whites. We found caterpillars and clusters of lady bird eggs hiding under leaves. We were so pleased to see the bees at work as they visited flowers to take nectar back to their hive.

We decided we’d like to pretend to be woodland animals too. We had fun pretending to be foxes as we barked around the forest, digging holes to make dens and scavenging for food for our cubs. Some of us decided we’d like to be birds like the robins and wrens flying around the garden. We used sticks and twigs to make nests, and some of us thought it would be funny to swoop down like seagulls to snatch snacks from our friends.

We also enjoyed this week’s cooking lesson where we made delicious waffles over the fire. We helped prepare the batter and watched as it was poured into waffle irons. We saw it bubble around the edge as it crispened and waited in anticipation as honey was drizzled over it to make it extra special. Thank you to the bees for making delicious honey for us to eat.

It was so nice to learn more about the amazing creatures who share the forest with us. We also realised how important it is to make sure the forest is tidy for them, so we have been making an extra special effort to remember to pick up after ourselves in order to help our woodland friends.

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Little Forest Folk