Morden - Communication and Language!

Our Morden forest has been focusing on Communication and Language for the past 2 weeks – our Little Forest Folk-ers have had some great set up areas and activities with the intention of using their wonderful blossoming language skills! We’ve seen this lots in our small world areas - where children are able to use their imagination to take on the role of the creatures, explaining what is going on in their story, and suggesting ideas to their friends as they play!

The mud kitchen is another great area where children love to expand their language skills - talking about the delicious foods they’re cooking, picking up lots of descriptive words from the educators, and talking about their favourite foods at home.

Our fabulous cooking activity last Friday was creating delicious cheese toasties, cooked on the fire! Our little adventurers had a great time spreading out the cheese on our wraps, and some were even filled with food colouring to give our friends a surprising colourful bite once they were cooked!! So much lovely language came when making the toasties, and cooking on the fire “I’m thinking of the hottest things at the fire circle! Like an oven, or a cup of tea!”

It's been a really wonderful week – we hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk