Morden - Lots of Gardening!

The forest is looking very lush this week. Our garden, filled with seedlings in the last few weeks, had a sudden growth spurt thanks to the combination of rain and a long period of warm sunshine. The children enjoyed a week of gardening in the sun and making sure our seedlings were growing healthy and strong. First, we cleared a bed to transplant our tomatoes which are looking very tall. We helped Migs make a structure to support the tomato plants so they can grow happily and even taller! Then, we did a little maintenance with our potatoes by putting soil on top of the growing foliage to keep the spuds away from the sun - we don’t want them turning green before they are ready! We also did a little garden maintenance around the mint, by removing old leaves. After a bit of watering and light weeding, the garden is looking tidier and ready for more seedlings. 

Last week, we found a lot of green strawberries and we felt very impatient waiting for them to ripen. Our patience has been rewarded this week when we were able to harvest enough strawberries to make refreshing pink lemonade! We were delighted to hunt around our patch for the precious red gems and squeezing lemons to add to our jug. We remembered our mint plant is looking especially bushy so we decided it would be a very good idea to add a few sprigs to give it that nice cool taste. 

We enjoyed spending time with our new educator Caitlin, who has recently joined us in the forest. We love playing games with her and this week, she showed us how to do some really interesting crafts. We are very glad she joined the Morden team and are excited to get to know her better!

Have a lovely weekend and we’ll be back next week with more stories of our adventures in the forest! 

Little Forest Folk