Morden - Our Changing Environment

This week in our Morden forest, we’ve been loving exploring how our environment is changing as spring comes closer!! The children love to see our growing area becoming stronger and stronger with plants and lush greenery. The children take great care of this area and keep an eye out for the different types of wildlife which use it for food and shelter as well. Loads of our bug hunts begin around this green space, and the children talk about how the insects are “working together” to help each other. “The woodlouse has made space for the worm! They are friends!” 

The children know to respect the boundary of not walking into this growing space to allow the plants space to grow “this space is for the bees and animals”. But their curiosity certainly couldn’t be squashed! So, our explorers came up with a really cool idea - independently, they built a “walkway” out of the wooden planks, making sure that the planks weren’t put on top of the flowers, to make the perfect path so that they could balance their way carefully into the growing space, and have a new view of the environment they love so much! It was so fantastic to watch them work together and think about their forest rules carefully so they could still achieve their goal.

This started a conversation about the lines across the map we have in the back of the forest “this looks like the boundary in our forest!” This then sparked a really interesting conversation about different countries and cultures, and visiting other countries to see how different the world can be!

What a fabulous week it’s been, we hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk