Morden - Pirates & Painting!

Another week full of adventure! We have taken groups of adventurers across to the park! They have left in sunshine and experienced heavy showers, running through the grass and up and down hills. Coming back eager to story tell and communicate what they have experienced. “We spotted a Jay bird!” “It was brown all over with blue on his wing.” “I’ve been running so fast!” 

Imagination has run wild this week; some adventurers have been building pirate ships! "We are pirates, and this is our ship!" "This is our treasure chest!" "Look for treasure!" During this activity, the "crew" made a plank, leaving the ship and going to the sea. "SHARKS!" The crew discussed how no other pirates should come on their ship as they may steal their treasure. After the crew’s hard work building gangplanks and hiding treasure we wondered if they'd enjoy a sea shanty. We sang and danced whilst introducing some new vocabulary such as 'bow' being the front of a ship, 'booty,' can mean treasure, "overboard," and "cutlass”.

We have been busy in the art area too, many enjoyed mixing colours by painting their hands and stamping them on to cardboard! Adding another colour on top of the original handprint we noticed a change in colour, “I made orange!” “Yellow and red made orange.” 

During spouts of rain, we decided to experiment 🔬 Which of our mud kitchen tools can catch the largest amount of rainwater? For the experiment we used rakes, chopping boards, sieves, pots, and pans! When we returned, we poured the water back into a tub and measured the volume of water from each tool. 

Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the Eurovision if you’re watching!

Little Forest Folk