Morden - ‘POP POP POP!’

Good Afternoon everyone!
It’s been a sunnier and drier week in the forest! We have taken advantage of all of the forest’s physical activities! The swing, climbing frame and slack line have been used as often as ever! ‘I’m so tall!’ ‘Watch me bounce!

We have introduced the ‘spiderweb’ which the adventurers have ducked under, crawled through and used in part of their imaginary play! ‘I’m a baby spider and I’m catching flies in my web!’ ‘Get in the web!’ ‘Stuck in here!’ 

Fire circles and cooking have been popular with all adventurers becoming more and more familiar with the fire safety rules! ‘We walk around the edge, remember, remember to walk around the edge!’ Everyone is great at reminding each other of the fire rules! ‘If you get too close you get burned!’ At our latest fire circle, we made popcorn! We could hear the laughter and mimicking ‘POP POP POP!’ ‘There were HUNDREDS of pops!’ ‘Crunchy pops!
This week we even made ‘snow’ ❄️ using hair conditioner and baking soda! The Little Forest Folk-ers watched Maria in awe!  ‘We made WARM snow!’ The experiment was successful in getting all the adventurers using their finger muscles and mark making! Squeezing and trying to create snowballs!

We have been planting and growing in the front plant pots which has brought the attention of Spring to the children! We look forward to more adventures next week and observing any growth in our plants 🌱

Have a lovely weekend! Those going on holiday have a lovely time and we will see you soon!

Little Forest Folk