Fulham - From the Pirate Ship to the Theatre

This week in our Fulham Forest has been great!

We started off the week working on and developing our fine motor skills. The children used twine and coloured beads to create necklaces and bracelets by threading the beads onto the twine, creating so many different and colourful patterns. 

As this week is National Storytelling Week, our camp and activities have reflected this. The children have really enjoyed some role play activities, such as a pirate ship and even a theatre to create our own little shows using our dressing up costumes.

Using lollipop sticks in the creative area we attempted creating and making our own little props and puppets to use to engage in storytelling. 

This week has been interesting supporting the children with making their own tally charts. This was an awesome maths activity to promote children’s development in counting. The children enjoyed going round asking each other and all the teachers what their favourite colour was and what their favourite bit of fruit was and then totalled up the results after adding up to see what the final choice was.

Another fantastic week here at Fulham Palace! We cannot wait to see what next week has in store for us. 

Little Forest Folk