Putney Heath - Boats and Water Play!

It has been a joy to welcome back some of our friendly holiday campers this week! Reunited, we've filled the forest with dance tunes and fun bops. Although it’s been a shorter week due to the bank holiday Monday, our time has been packed with excitement and creativity!

Transportation Theme: Boats and Water Play

Continuing our theme of transportation, we dedicated an entire day to exploring boats and water. With the warm weather gracing us, we indulged in water play, testing various objects to see if they would sink or float. Rubber duckies, pipettes, and pieces of paper were all part of our scientific inquiry.

Our adventurers also tried their hands at origami, creating sailor hats and fishing boats with strategic folding and delicate handiwork. Imaginative play took over another area of our camp where logs were transformed into rowing boats. The children rowed, rowed, rowed their boats through our camp, imagining exciting voyages through mangroves, fjords of Norway, and even fishing expeditions in the Arctic.

Planting Potatoes

Back at our clubhouse, we embraced the joy of planting. This week, we focused on planting potatoes. The children learned how to plant them in the ground and are now eagerly awaiting the moment when the first sprouts appear. This hands-on activity has not only been educational but also filled our little gardeners with anticipation and excitement.

Have a wonderful, vibrant weekend everyone!!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath