Putney Heath - Exploring Diversity!

What a week of mammoth adventures we’ve had in the forest! Despite the rain, or perhaps because of it, we’ve had an incredible time exploring and discovering all that nature has to offer.

On one particularly rainy day, we set off with our litter pickers in hand and ventured to the pond, captivated by the rain-soaked landscape. Along the way, we encountered slugs, counted them as we went, and even learnt what slug eggs look like! The children also discovered a variety of mushrooms, sparking conversations about the different types of fungi in our forest. With great excitement, we practised our balancing skills on fallen logs and tree trunks, fully embracing the wet, muddy conditions. In all the rain, we’ve been feeling a bit like ducks—splashing around and loving every moment of it!

As part of our ongoing exploration of diversity, the children got creative by making collages. They used different scrap fabrics and materials to design their own sensory experiences, combining textures, patterns, and colours to create stunning pieces of art. This hands-on activity allowed them to explore the uniqueness of different materials while expressing their individuality.

With the new term on the horizon, we’ve revamped our eco project committee, and our budding eco warriors have been hard at work! The children took on the task of assessing our nursery’s eco-efficiency, and they generated some fantastic new ideas on how we can make our forest nursery even more environmentally friendly. Their passion and dedication to caring for nature are truly inspiring.

We also continued our focus on emotions through a playdough sensory activity linked to our zones of regulation. Each colour of playdough represented a different emotion, and as the children moulded and shaped the dough, they discussed how they were feeling and shared ideas on how to move from sad or frustrated states to happy and calm ones. The activity culminated in the creation of playdough ice creams and doughnuts, which the children proudly shared with everyone.

It’s been a week of rainy-day fun, emotional exploration, and eco-consciousness, and we’re excited to carry this energy into the coming weeks.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath