Twickenham - A Trip To The River!

What a week we have had, learning about lots of different animal habitats and how we can look after where the animals live. With the bugs and birds in the forest, the children have been making their own bird feeders, revamping the bug hotel with nice new wooden logs, as well as leaving out yummy seeds and mealworms and little water bowls all around for the animals so they can stay hydrated in this very lovely sunny weather.

The Little Forest Folk-ers have also been learning about life cycles of animals! To learn about the life cycle of frogs, the children made their own frogs out of recycled toilet tubes, cutting them with scissors to make the legs and arms. The children then decorated the jumping frogs with green paint or whatever colour they wanted! Soon there were jumping frogs all over the forest! 

We also celebrated World Ocean Day, with the Little Forest Folk-ers thinking about what we can do to stop pollution. On a trip to the river, we observed some of the litter and thought about ways we could help the fish, crabs and herons that live there! Back in the forest, the children made their own beaches with sand, water and stones, as well as ‘saving’ the fish from ‘nets’ using tweezers to pick them out. What eco-warriors we have in Twickenham! 

So much enthusiasm has been bubbling here in the forest, so the children have been exploring a mixture of fiction and non-fiction books to learn about all the animals around us! One of the favourites has been our ‘Animal Encyclopaedia’, where the children could look at different animals and where they live in the world.

After such a hot and busy week, the Little Forest Folk-ers enjoyed baking some yummy cheese straws, all washed down with some elderflower cordial - all foraged by us of course! 

Have a great weekend everyone! 

Little Forest Folk