Twickenham - A Typical Week of Spring Weather

What a typical week of spring weather we have had! Heavy grey clouds, then clear blue sky, drizzle then sunny spells, light winds then sudden gusts… these all seemed to be coming and going in our campsite! Nevertheless, we are grateful that we can immerse ourselves in these changes and truly appreciate the wonders of nature.

Speaking of changes, as we are welcoming lots of budding leaves and flowering plants to our site this spring, we are also welcoming Denisa, our newest staff member! You might have already met her at drop off time and some of you will be sure see her in the forest soon.

We have crafted lots of spring art this week using a range of different materials: from making colourful collages using textured paper, paint, and sparkly embellishments, to creating our own tulip; shaped from cardboard and wrapped in colourful wool, our creative hands have certainly been busy all week!

Spiderman has always been a popular character with our Little Forest Folk-ers, but especially so these last few weeks and this is evident in their role play (and dress up costumes, too!) And just like real superheroes, our eco warriors have been working hard looking after our forest garden, making sure weeds are not pestering the flowering seeds we just planted!

Yes, our little hands were busy creating things, but we were also working on our gross motor skills too! Our obstacle course has been particularly challenging, with thin planks elevated on different heights and thick planks inclined on wooden pallets. We also practised our climbing using our den structure, which was made from thick logs from our plane tree, while negotiating space, taking turns, and just enjoying risky play!

Have a lovely Easter break Parakeets and see you next week, Foxes!

Little Forest Folk