Preparing for Chinese New Year
Happy end of the week everyone, we hope you all had a good one!
Over the week our Little Forest Folk-ers have been involved in a range of learning experiences including the following:
• New children are learning to make positive relationships with new people.
• Celebrating and learning about Chinese New Year through activities such as role playing, especially acting out the great race. We also explored a range of traditional and new stories related to the festivities and the children took part in planning, designing and building a dragon!
• Learning a range of songs, including songs in different languages from around the world.
We are looking forward to continuing with our theme of Chinese New Year with more activities such as learning the dragon dance and learning to say hello and goodbye in Mandarin. We’ve got lots of fun ideas that we can’t wait for our little adventurers to enjoy with us!
Wishing you all a wonderful and restful weekend.
Little Forest Folk