Wimbledon - Can you see the tadpoles? 

Can you see the tadpoles? 

A great week in the Wimbledon Forest. We have had amazing junk modelling, some fantastic imagination play, lots of time spent climbing and so much more fun. 

With being away from the forest for a long four-day weekend, our little ones were keen to get back and explore. One thing we noticed on our return was that there was a lot more rubbish than usual, so a group of our explorers headed off on Tuesday morning to go on a litter pick. This was not only an exciting opportunity to venture into the forest but a wonderful chance to do our part to take care of the environment around us and have discussions about how important it is to not litter. 

On Wednesday both groups went on a walk to a local pond and were amazed to see some tadpoles swimming around! The children were able to get close to the edge of the water and were fascinated by the little tadpoles moving around between the algae and reeds. It was fascinating getting to learn about the life cycle of a frog and what the tadpoles will look like soon. It was so peaceful and idyllic; the little ones could have sat watching for hours. 

In the forest this week we have also had a chance to play Twister. First, we had to learn the rules before taking turns to spin the dial or trying to balance on the different colours - such a fun game to play together!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Little Forest Folk