Wimbledon - Forest Ice Cream Shop!

What a wonderful week it has been at sunny Wimbledon! We have been blessed by some amazing weather and it has brought out so many amazing ideas and activities for the children to be a part of.

We have focused a lot on the sunny weather and creating ideas that link to the amazing sunshine that we have been enjoying. One of the activities was an ice cream shop! Some of our amazing educators set up a shop and everyone contributed recycling that could be used to bring it all to life. It also became a sensory paradise with the addition of foam and corn starch ‘ice cream’ that the children could scoop and add onto cones. There was tree cookie money which could be transferred in the shop, so we could look at numbers in different forms. We also had some real ice on camp which was a great way to get some water play going in the heat!

We have also had some fun water-play creating tunnels for the water to follow. Using big bits of piping the children have worked together to create a water system on the meadow. They have made pipes go over logs, around pallets and into buckets to see how quickly they could make the water move. It was a great chance to work as a team.

It has been a great week with ice play, sensory fun and teamwork all alongside the lovely weather. We look forward to seeing what next week brings!

Little Forest Folk