Wimbledon - Signs of Spring & Mole Hills

Wimbledon has been full of joy and excitement this week! We have loved looking at the new signs of spring that are appearing with daffodils blossoming and snowdrops glowing all around the forest.

The children have also done lots of bird spotting this week and we even spent time listening to bird song. It is great to sit and get the children to acknowledge the creatures that share our space. Our little explorers spotted robins, parakeets and magpies along with a big buzzard that wowed us all! 

We also had a forest shop and there was a chance for the children to take different roles, sell items from around them and even work with money. This was a fun way to talk about numbers and to also show off some great aspects of our imaginations!

Our meadow is a wonderful space for everyone to play together and have lots of space to run. This week, we have been using this space for flying paper aeroplanes, chasing dragons and getting involved with lots of mud play. Using the mud from mole hills to create mud balls has been a fun part of our week, and it has also led to conversations about why the mole hills are there.

It’s been another wonderful week in our forest!

Little Forest Folk