Wimbledon Village - Water Play & Exploring Gravity!

The world keeps turning and the days keep lengthening (hooray!), which prompted us this week to think about the world around us and the forces at work that can't always be seen. Inspired by some accidental investigations into magnetism that some children carried out last week, we have been experimenting with gravity - pushing, pulling, dropping and rolling using a huge range of materials. 

The glorious sunshine allowed us to introduce some water play into our days, without having to worry about getting too wet or cold - or both! This meant that children could try their hand at making floating rafts from lollipop sticks, go on expeditions to the nearby spring to fill up Roland, the aqua-roller and build water runs using pipes, buckets and pulleys. A lot of transporting and transferring of water between mud kitchen cups, pans and measuring devices helped children to naturally encounter volume by feeling the change in weight and by seeing the liquids flow into the shape of their containers. Adding ground up chalk, watercolours and powder paint to water also gave new dimensions to these lab experiments, as children discovered new colour combinations and created potions-a-plenty. 

We also took to the trees a lot this week, figuring out how to pull, push and lift our bodies up, into and down from the branches of our favourite climbing trees. The trees on camp were connected with ropes and slack lines, sometimes in the form of spider web-like climbing structures and we strung a net over a frame of logs which allowed children the sensation of being suspended. It led to lots of exploration of the space under and on top of the net and several upside down children!

Let's hope this wonderful weather continues into the weekend so all our families can enjoy some much needed Vitamin D!

Little Forest Folk
Wimbledon Village