Fulham - A Paper Aeroplane Competition

As our Spring Holiday camp comes to an end here in the Fulham Forest, it’s been great being able to meet and play with not only some familiar faces that have returned but also some new faces too; showing them around our camp and playing and having fun with them! 

Some great and challenging obstacle courses were designed in camp this week and watching the children exploring and working out how best to complete them was great fun! 

Our parents have been fantastic at helping us to collect some recycled materials and boxes, so this week in camp we have been using them to make some great junk modelling creations. One of the days was spent creating some really cool musical instruments and then using them to shake as we sang some of our favourite nursery rhymes and songs.

Following the children’s interest of paper aeroplanes, this week one of the educators created a paper aeroplane throwing competition to see how far we could throw our planes across camp. 

Some really interesting structures were built on camp this week too, thanks to the return of “Silly Ben” and his great wooden crate structures. The children decided to turn it into a pirate ship and chant a pirate song, role-playing to sail across the sea to find some treasure!

Collecting some different style leaves around camp, we prepared for a fun creative activity of leaf printing. The children loved exploring all the different patterns and textures that each leaf held. 

So, as you can see our week has been a super fun and adventurous one and I wonder what will happen in the Fulham Forest here next week! 

Little Forest Folk