Morden - Sewing Eggs & Making Pancakes!

The end of the spring holiday has arrived and we are glad to say that we had such an amazing two weeks! Having seen the return of some older Little Forest Folk-ers and also meeting some new faces, our days were very special and full of adventures. 

Our adventurers loved last week’s Easter activities, so we set up some very special ones this week too. One rainy day we sat under the gazebo to make “sewing eggs”. Having cut egg shapes out of some hessian fabric, everyone then used a plastic needle and colourful yarn to follow the dots in order to create beautiful patterns. Listening to the rain whilst sewing made this even more of a special moment, as they were so engaged and fascinated to see the end result!

Taking advantage of the sunny spells we also cooked Easter pancakes on the fire! Following the fire safety rules, the little ones helped us to set the fire sticks. All the Little Forest Folk-ers were delighted by the taste! We must be improving our cooking skills as most of them said “these are the best pancakes ever!” Maria the ‘fire chef’ is over the moon! 

Thank you Holiday Campers, you have filled us with many new and wonderful memories! We are looking forward to welcoming you back to the forest again!

Little Forest Folk