Fulham - Eye Spy

What a glorious sunny week It’s been here in our Fulham Forest! It’s been great to have the sun shining and the children have loved the idea of wearing no waterproofs so let’s hope that Mr Sunshine is here to stay! 

We started off the week thinking about healthy eating and to encourage this a roleplay dentist surgery was created on camp. It was great to see the children really thinking about the types of food that we eat and if they are good or bad for our teeth, arranging them into categories through a cardboard picture game which the educators created. 

As our week continued here to celebrate and promote World Turtle Day, we had a range of different activities on offer for the children to immerse themselves in which ranged from transforming ourselves into turtles using the face paints, learning some cool interesting facts about turtles and playing a great maths bingo turtle game which went down great in camp and had the children really engaged and learning through number play. 

Our children have loved a change of scenery this week as there were days where, to accommodate some events that were being set up in Fulham Palace, we had a slight change of camp. The children turned this into a big adventure, and it was a great opportunity to go on mini adventures to the natural play area and also take a nice stroll along the waterfront for the children to go boat spotting. We used this to create some cool searching games such as ‘eye spy’ which is always really fun.

The children are really enjoying our new skipping ropes that we purchased, learning and practising their ability to skip and jump and really getting in their physical exercise! 

So we come to the end of another amazing month in our Fulham Forest and I am super excited to see what adventures our children will continue to get up to next!

Little Forest Folk