Fulham - Math-tastic Fun!

This week has been jam-packed with Math-tastic fun! Early maths concepts such as number, shape and pattern have inspired our educators to create exciting and engaging activities for our Little Forest Folk-ers! As a team we ensure that engaging with maths concepts is accessible through both independent play and educator-led activities. Most importantly, it is always FUN!

Our amazing Karlenne made a brilliant hand-made puzzle to test the children’s problem-solving skills. She transformed a simple cardboard box by making a maze for an object to navigate through to successfully reach the end. Our Little Forest Folk-ers had to carefully help a conker or a stone drop down from bottle lid to bottle lid. This could only happen when each lid was positioned at the correct angle, which meant our little ones had to turn on their thinking caps and find the correct way to rotate the lids. This activity displayed some great patience and maturity!

On Tuesday we took shelter from some stronger winds and set up some fun activities in the palace’s marquee. As the winds dropped to safe readings, we thought it was important to ensure our little ones got some time back outside with nature. So, we turned our afternoon into a nature walk, where our little explorers had to search for the biggest puddle they could find! We spent our afternoon splashing through puddles and squelching through sticky wet mud- what our little ones do best!

We set up a mini-market in our role play area, where little ones could practice buying and selling - familiarising themselves with early ideas of money, quantity and number. Everyone loved sorting and arranging the fruit and vegetables and sharing out slices of cake! We used shiny card cut into small circles to represent money, so the children could count whether they needed 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 coins before buying their desired shopping. 

We can’t wait for another week in the forest!

Little Forest Folk