Morden - Special Visitors!

We had a lovely time welcoming our special visitors into the forest this week! Our families came to visit the forest and we had a wonderful time showing them our favourite activities. We enjoyed reading our favourite stories in the cosy reading corner in the forest. We also invited our families to take part in our favourite role-playing games where we cooked delicious food in the mud kitchen, or stomped around the forest like dinosaurs. Thank you to all the families who came to play with us during Stay and Play –we all really enjoyed your company and it is always a pleasure to be able to spend time with grown up Little Forest Folk-ers.

Everyone has summer holiday on their minds and we were very excited to talk about the adventures we will be having when we go on trips with our families. We have friends going to amazing places to visit extended families here in the UK, and others are going to visit new countries. We were keen to learn about different cultures and traditions so we decided to paint a giant map and paint the countries and continents that we will be visiting this summer. Once we finished painting a location, we had a pause to listen to music from that particular country. We painted and danced our way around Africa, did a little Bollywood dancing in India, and swayed to 'Bye Bye Miss American Pie' as we learned a little bit more about the United States.

After another inspection of our garden, we said goodbye to our strawberries and we wait in anticipation for the blackberries to ripen. We thought perhaps, a cooling cordial or a sweet blackberry pancake might be on the menu when they do! Our tomatoes are growing tall and strong but we’re still waiting for them to flower. Our potatoes are also starting to sprout and we’ve earthed the spuds up to keep the sun from turning our potatoes green.

We’ll be back next week with more stories of our adventures. Have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk