Twickenham - "Scorpion Sandwiches"

This week the children have come back from their long weekends refreshed and ready to embrace the sunshine! Our little adventurers were very friendly and helpful when welcoming a new settler into the forest.  

The sun came out and dried up most of the rain, but some of the muddy puddles remained, leaving sticky muddy clumps for our Little Forest Folk-ers to use in our kitchen. They gathered all the pots and pans and filled them to various levels, sharing how much water they had in their cups and sending their friends for more or less when needed. Using buckets, bottles and drainpipes they watched carefully as the water trickled and wooshed down the pipes.  

Sunshine means picnics and BBQ’s, so the children used the forest's resources to make a range of muddy treats. From “beetle pizza” to “scorpion sandwiches” and even “caterpillar crackers”. They all brought their bowls and benches to the kitchen and joined together to munch on a delicious BBQ.

Oh my, how creative these children can be with just one unique stick! Our Little Forest Folk-ers worked together to build all kinds of stick creations. They used wool and a range of different sized sticks to make bow and arrows, fishing rods, dens and even swords. Relying on teamwork and trust, their creativity flourished as they made a number of different structures. 

It’s been an action-packed week with creativity at the centre of their learning.  

Thank you to our little explorers who always leave us in wonder and amazement at just how imaginative they can be. 

Little Forest Folk