Wimbledon Village - Squishy, Slushy, Satisfying Mud!

Thankfully we were back on camp for the whole of this week, as the frosts subsided and turned the ground into squishy, slushy, satisfying mud - our favourite! 

As we continued our explorations of shape and pattern, we also continued to look to the world around us and got to know our surroundings a bit more. At the very end of last week children were challenged to map out their camp, both on paper and with their feet. An expedition of early risers met the grown-ups at the car park and went to look at our site before set-up with nothing on it! They observed the differences when we aren't there and noticed the impact and imprint of our footprints, paths and sawn logs, which we noticed were being used by birds and bugs in our absence. It prompted us this week to set off on a litter pick on the common to make sure that we and other humans ‘leave no trace’ and set a good example to others too.

There was also a very special meeting on the children’s agenda on Wednesday when we were visited by Bamboo, Cosmo and Charlie - horses from the nearby Wimbledon Village Stables. The kind riders let the children ask questions about the wonderful animals and they learned that horses like carrots, apples and peppermints to eat as a special treat. Our little explorers were calm, respectful and inquisitive, even when they found it quite hilarious that Sam was licked by one of the horses - yuck!

We are really looking forward to exploring more of our environment next week and supporting the children in understanding the world around them, which they have endless enthusiasm for. Have a fantastic weekend and see you on the other side of Sunday!

Little Forest Folk
Wimbledon Village