
Wimbledon - Jungles, Animal Houses and Animal Songs!

Wimbledon - Jungles, Animal Houses and Animal Songs!

This week at Wimbledon we have had lots of exciting things happening with all of our new friends! It has been great to welcome everyone into the forest and show them all of our amazing activities that we do. Our returning Little Forest Folk-ers have also been such great helpers with getting their new friends settled.

Wimbledon - Robots and Aliens!

Wimbledon - Robots and Aliens!

This week in Wimbledon, as well as some more lovely weather, we have been welcomed by lots of new faces! Whether these faces be holiday campers or new forest friends, we have welcomed them all with warm arms! We have enjoyed supporting them not only during their play but also during our walk-ins and outs and offering them a hand to hold to show them the way.

Wimbledon - Fire Engines!

Wimbledon - Fire Engines!

Little Forest Folk Wimbledon has been a hive of activity this week! We have had fire engines made out of pallets, boats made from wooden planks and doctors surgeries made using any bits and bobs from the forest. It has been great to see the children’s play develop throughout the week depending on what items there are around them.

Wimbledon - Painting, Mark Making and Dancing!

Wimbledon - Painting, Mark Making and Dancing!

This week we have been really focused on rebuilding and repurposing a bird house that we found. Our children at Little Forest Folk Wimbledon are so interested in the birds around the forest and finding ways to look after them, so when we found a bird house that needed a bit of help the children were so happy!